
Highly Secure UK VPS Hosting with Unlimited Traffic & High Performance

Onlive Server offers UK VPS Hosting at the lowest price with many hosting features. By using our powerful hosting tools, you can make your web hosting easy and fast. You can give a new direction to your business requirement. We have many hosting server plans according to your business requirements, so you can select the best one that fulfills your requirement.

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col_name_3=”Operating System” col_name_4=”Monthly” col_name_5=”Action”]

High-Performance HDD Storage

Onlive Server uses high-quality and fast HDD storage devices in store your vast data. You can also increase your storage resource if your requirement is, without facing any downtime.

Remote Control

Now we added the intelligent and latest technology to our VPS server. You can access your server remotely from any place in the world. You can quickly start, reboot, and stop your hosting server remotely.

Plesk, cPanel, or Webmin

Onlive Server offers you Plesk, cPanel, or Webmin control panel facility with full root access. You can control the whole server by yourself. With complete control over the server, you can update or modify it according to your business need.

Unlimited Traffic Generation

Our hosting server offers a high bandwidth facility with unlimited traffic generation. Now you can generate more traffic to your site and make it popular for your business requirement.

Firewall protection

Onlive Server gives you a high level and managed security by giving you Firewall protection. Your server is safe and secure from unauthorized access or unwanted software programs. Onlive Server also does server virus scanning at a specific interval of time.

Disaster Recovery Solution

For server data security, we regularly take the backup of the server’s data and keep it far from your data center. In the case of any mishappening or disaster, you quickly gain your data back without any data loss.

Features and Business offered by Onlive Server

If you are new to the web hosting industry, you have probably heard of the advantages of VPS Server Hosting. While it might be the most popular option for the web hoster today, there are many benefits to using this type of hosting. Aside from being able to install and drive any OS you would like, it is also one of the least expensive options. Furthermore, it offers the very best amount of security and flexibility available. Therefore, even if you are starting on the internet, VPS Hosting is an ideal option to see into.


UK VPS Hosting has several advantages over other types of Webhosting applications. One of these is scalability. This is because one server is never enough to meet the requirements of a website or network. With a well-planned and adequately managed services package, a business owner can use a high-quality performance control software package with the assistance of an experienced, dedicated technical support staff.

Root Access

Another of the many Virtual Private Server hosting benefits is full root access. Root access enables you to do any you want on your server as the root user. Gives you complete access to the files and configuration of your server, giving you full control over what you do on your computer. Additionally, this feature can allow you to update and fix your server immediately, significantly reducing site downtime.

Complete Isolation

A physical hosting server is isolated from other portions of the system. But VPS hosting servers allow you to maintain complete isolation to use them even in case of system failure. You don’t need to wait for someone else to solve problems and fix your site. So, not only does this provide you with high-quality security features, but it also saves you money on high-priced service contracts.

Unlimited High Bandwidth

They are entirely isolated; VPS hosting offers you excellent performance even in case of heavy traffic. And they are remote; you never have to worry about exposing your system to potential security risks. With VPS hosting, not only are you provided with high-quality security features, but you also enjoy outstanding bandwidth performance.

Disk Space, Bandwidth

Both of these are vital to the successful operation of your online business. VPS hosting offers high disk space, Unmetered bandwidth, which makes it ideal for companies with a lot of traffic. You get superb DDOS protection with hundreds of security features. VPS servers offer high uptime, with nearly nothing affecting your servers.


Cheap VPS Hosting is robust, secure, and reliable, making it an obvious choice for business websites. Getting your plan from a reputed web hosting company is also essential. Onlive Server offers excellent support for the Best VPS hosting plans, which means they’ll help you with any query or issue. Instead, With a bit of help from Onlive Server, the Best UK VPS Hosting platform is an excellent choice for your business website. Now we offer the best and cheapest web hosting services in countries worldwide.